Antenna System Overhaul
Repair and Refurbishment
Since our inception, we have been a trusted resource for the refurbishment of military and commercial antennas, antenna systems, and integration solutions for existing equipment.
We can reverse engineer a solution for any antenna system
Since many Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) will cease to support older antenna models and assemblies, Antenna Associates is often called upon to reverse engineer, then manufacture, a custom solution. We take pride that our end product often costs significantly less than the OEM’s original price.
All repair work includes antenna testing
Once refurbishment, repair or overhaul work has been completed, Antenna Associates will provide the testing necessary to ensure that the antenna meets original or updated specifications. A report on our test data will always be included when a new or refurbished product is shipped to you.
Our Antenna Overhauling
Experience Includes
X Band Antennas
High Gain S Band Antennas System
High Gain C Band Antenna System
High Gain L Band Antenna System
SATCOM Antennas
Airborne Antennas and Antenna Radomes
RF Circulators
All Antenna Positioners
All Antenna Rotators
MK74 Antennas
X Band Navigation Radar
X Band Navigation Antennas
All types of IFF Antennas
All types of SSR Antennas
Military Satellite Antennas
Services Include
Antenna Testing and Antenna Evaluation
Waveguide Repair and Testing
Antenna Performance Tuning
Composite Reflector Manufacture and Repair
Waveguide Window Replacements
Mil Spec Painting and Recoating
Antenna Waveguide and Waveguide Seal Replacements
Corrosion Repair
Antenna Feed Alignments

21 Burke Drive
Brockton, MA 02301

p: (508) 583-3241
f: (508) 588-3077