ADS-B Antennas

Antenna Associates is proud of our line of ADS-B Antennas.  Our ADS-B Antennas are available in compact, rugged packages and offer superb ADS-B coverage.  They can be used effectively with either a Multilateration ADS-B System or can be used in conjunction with an IFF or SSR Interrogator. 

Our Omnidirectional ADS-B Antennas offer full 360 Degree coverage while our single sector antennas are available to limit your coverage to a specific sector. 

Another option is our six sector antennas.  When attached to multiple receivers, this antenna gives the option to monitor from 0 to 360 Degrees in 60 Degree increments.  This allows you to track aircraft by monitoring response times to each sector.

To make your antenna selection easier, we have created an ADS-B Antenna Selection Chart below.  Each link will bring you the antenna’s data sheet.  If you have any questions of these products or applications, please contact Mr. Dana Sandquist (508) 583-3241 Ext. 26 or email

Omnidirectional ADS-B Antennas



Min Gain dBi




Required Power Source

43410012.86.5" D X 20.1" H 7 lbsPoleNo
AA9086" D X 75" HPoleNo
A00627.57.5" D X 24.7" H17 lbsPole+5 Volts DC, 90 Milliamps

Directional / Sectoral ADS-B Antennas



# Sectors

Gain/Sector (dBi)



Required Power Source

AA2051Variable4 lbsPoleNo
AA5051Variable6 lbsPoleNo

Contact Mr. Dana Sandquist (508) 583-3241 Ext. 26 or email Mr. Sandquist if you do not see an ADS-B Antenna that meets your requirement.


21 Burke Drive
Brockton, MA 02301


p: (508) 583-3241
f: (508) 588-3077